Data Center |
Description |
Data Sets |
NRCS National Cartography and Geospatial Center |
Provides a geospatial data warehouse to acquire, integrate, distribute, and assist in the review and certification of geospatial data. |
Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) |
USGS Digital Raster Graphics (DRG) |
NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway |
Data Center |
Description |
Data Sets |
Geospatial One Stop Data Center - U.S. Maps and Data |
Access geospatial information from Federal agencies and a growing number of state, local, tribal and private agencies through one complete and comprehensible a geographic information system (GIS) portal. |
Administrative and Political Boundaries |
Agriculture and Farming |
Biology and Ecology |
Environment and Conservation |
Geological and Geophysical |
Imagery and Base Maps |
Locations and Geodetic Networks |
Transportation Networks |
Utilities and Communication |
Data Center |
Description |
Data Sets |
FGDC National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse |
A collection of over 250 spatial data servers that have digital geographic data primarily for use in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), image processing systems, and other modeling software. |
EDC Geospatial Data Gateway |
NOAA Coastal Services Center (CSC) Geospatial Data Gateway |
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Geospatial Data Gateway |
ESRI Geospatial Data Gateway |
Alaska Geographic Data Committee (AGDC) Geospatial Data Gateway |
Data Center |
Description |
Data Sets |
Geobase (Canada) |
Geospatial data for all of Canada separated into different themes. |
Geopolitical Boundaries |
Canadian Geodetic Network |
Geographical Names of Canada |
National Road Network (NRN) |
Land Cover |